He wants it - but can't have it! Germany will NOT give Juncker his federal EU superstate

Press quote (The Express)
31 October 2017

Think-tank boss Charles Grant said that Germany will not let Juncker get away with his “delusional”  vision, which includes allowing the richer northern Europe to pay for the poorer areas of southern Europe. European Commission President  announced his plans in September for a united European super bloc. Mr Juncker’s plans include taking power away from member states and introducing an overall president. Mr Grant, who is the Director of the Centre for European Reform, told BBC Radio 4: “[Juncker] believes that the Eurozone, in order to survive, needs to federalise. 

Mr Grant explained that Juncker believes in a “mutualisation of risk”, meaning the  as a whole would raise money through eurobonds. Mr Grant said this idea “could benefit the less financially sound countries” including Italy or Greece. He said: “That’s what he believes. But he can’t have it because the Germans won’t give him that.”