
Fossil fuel industry sustained by ‘toxic triangle’ that puts 400 million at risk

17 October 2014
The Guardian
Stephen Tindale, an associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform, argued in a September report that "inefficient fossil fuel subsidies" needed to be stopped in Europe, in line with a G20 commitment made in 2009.

Juncker takes another gamble

16 October 2014
European Voice
"Everybody recognises him as competent and effective, so if he’s given charge of the important energy dossier that is good news because you need someone as experienced as him to handle this sensitive issue," said Charles Grant, director of the CER.

European policy makers at odds as eurozone’s economic woes deepen

Simon Tilford
14 October 2014
Wall Street Journal
"The ECB’s position has been made much harder by the eurozone employing pro-cyclical fiscal policies" of spending cuts and tax increases that have weighed on growth, said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER.

Beware of the Sweden Democrats (in Hebrew)

Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy
13 October 2014
לאחר הבחירות הכלליות בשבדיה, הוקמה שם ממשלת שמאל חדשה, בראשות המפלגה הסוציאל־דמוקרטית. והנה, לא עבר שבוע מאז השבעתה וכבר מסתמן, באופן לא מפתיע, כי הממשלה החדשה (שאחד מחבריה השתתף במשט המרמרה) מתכוונת לנקוט קו נוקשה יותר כלפי ישראל.

Putin deals China winning hand as sanctions power rival

12 October 2014
In 1979, at the start of Deng Xiaoping overhaul of the economy, China’s output was 40 percent of that of the Soviet Russian Republic -- the present-day Russian Federation, according to a study by the Centre for European Reform. By 2010, it was four-times larger.

Analist: Sunt pesimist în ceea ce priveşte şansele proiectului "Noul Drum al Mătăsii" (in Romanian)

12 October 2014
Digi 24
Ian Bond, de la CER: "Sunt pesimist în ceea ce priveşte şansele acestui proiect (Noul Drum al Mătăsii – n.r.). Diferenţele dintre ţările aflate de-a lungul aşa-numitului Nou Drum al Mătăsii sunt enorme şi interesele jucătorilor externi, sunt diferite."

Pașaport diplomatic - Drumul mătăsii

11 October 2014
Digi 24
România este din nou în centrul atenției mondiale pentru un proiect în care sunt implicate foarte multe țări de pe trei continente. Ian Bond speaks in English on the New Silk Road (15:20).

Better in than out? The prospects for and implications of "Brexit"

John Springford, Anand Menon, Jeremy Shapiro, Fiona Hill, Damian Chalmers, Nicolas Jabko and Daniel Kelemen.
10 October 2014
The United Kingdom has always had an uneasy relationship with the European Union. The current UK government has promised the British people that they will get a chance in 2017 to decide whether they should finally break away from the EU entirely. British critics see the European Union as an undemocratic imposition of foreign rules on an unwilling British public, while British proponents see the EU as an important source of British prosperity and a magnifier of British influence in the world.

Finnish Prime Minister calls for ‘more Europe’ on energy and climate policy

Stephen Tindale
09 October 2014
British Influence
Yesterday the CER hosted a speech by Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb on “Smart and cost-effective energy and climate policy”. It was clear from his remarks and the tone of delivery that he strongly wants the UK to remain in the EU.

The EU wouldn’t be better off without the UK, but won’t pay any price to keep it

09 October 2014
Europe's world
Signposts from the European elections: A cross-section of views on the choices and priorities thrown up by the mid-year European election results

Eurozone core must focus on investment: New EU growth czar

09 October 2014
Business Insider
German investment has been falling steadily over the past two decades, from around 21 per cent of its GDP in the late 1990s to just above 17 per cent now, according to Christian Odendahl of the CER.

What does Scotland mean for other independence bids?

Stephen Tindale
09 October 2014
World Economic Forum Blog
"The concept of the unitary state is going to become much more difficult except for a very small country," said Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the CER. "It does augur increased pressure on central governments to change the (political) relationship" with regions.

Analist britanic: "Sunt sceptic că Noul Drum al Mătăsii are sens din punct de vedere comercial" (interview in Romanian)

07 October 2014
The Epoch Times
Ian Bond a explicat într-un amplu interviu acordat Epoch Times care sunt barierele în calea Noului Drum al Mătăsii, de ce Rusia şi China au interese divergente în Asia Centrală şi ce vrea să facă Putin în continuare în Ucraina.

Germany’s insistence on austerity meets with revolt in the eurozone

Simon Tilford
07 October 2014
The New York Times
"After going along with the damaging strategy of austerity in the hopes that Germany would eventually moderate its position, countries are now saying, ‘Enough is enough.'" said Simon Tilford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London.

Neue Ideen für die EZB

Christian Odendahl
06 October 2014
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Disput um Geldpolitik - Debatte

Le jugement sévère de la City sur l’état de la France

Simon Tilford
04 October 2014
Le Monde
Simon Tilford, du CER, a écrit une longue note relativisant les problèmes économiques de la France."Ce n'est pas un pays sclérosé, sinon comment expliquer que les investissements étrangers continuent à affluer? Mais si le pays déçoit tant, c'est que les attentes envers ce pays sont très fortes."

Hollande warns France of tough spending cuts

30 September 2014
Financial Times
"I have never known Berlin more annoyed with France," says Charles Grant, director of the CER."Seen from Berlin, Hollande has wasted two years achieving virtually no structural reform and failing to rein in spending."

Companies warn Tories they risk losing pro-business reputation

30 September 2014
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the CER, told the FT the issue was a serious problem for his group. "There is a danger that by threatening to take Britain out of Europe that relationship is about to come under unprecedented strain," he said.

Tories aim to curb EU freedom of movement in migration crackdown

30 September 2014
The Huffington Post
"We will be wanting to make certain at a European as well as a national level that the right of people to work or retire around Europe does not become a right to travel around in order to collect social security benefits or commit crime." He was speaking at a fringe event hosted by the CER/BfB/BNE.