
Germany considers giving states more autonomy on taxes

Christian Odendahl
12 September 2014
"I see very little prospect of tax competition in Germany, the reason being that the states would have to agree to that (in the upper house of parliament)," said Christian Odendahl of the CER.

Friends of the Earth's shift on nuclear should be celebrated, not denied

Stephen Tindale
12 September 2014
The Guardian
"Friends of the Earth campaigned to get existing nuclear stations closed down, on safety grounds, as well as opposing new nuclear stations. So the current Friends of the Earth line is a change from the past," said Stephen Tindale.

West pushes crippling sanctions on Russia's oil industry despite Ukraine ceasefire

11 September 2014
The Telegraph
“Putin needs China for his domestic political narrative, but those in the business know that Russia has few alternatives to the West,” said Ian Bond at the CER.

Euroopalla on johtaja – mutta johtaako se mihinkään?

11 September 2014
Helsingin Sanomat
"Pitkälti on näin. Merkelillä on Euroopassa paljon vaikutusvaltaa melkein asiassa kuin asiassa", toteaa tutkija Ian Bond brittiläisestä CER. "Hän on myös muuttunut ajan myötä kovemmaksi [Venäjän suhteen]."

Suomen EU-kelpoisuutta epäiltiin ennenkin

10 September 2014
Helsingin Sanomat
Miltä Suomen tilanne sitten näyttää nyky-Britanniasta käsin? Arvostetun Centre for European Reform -ajatuspajan ulkopolitiikkajohtaja ja Venäjän-tuntija Ian Bond kehottaa Suomea muistamaan, että EU:n yhtenäisyys luo turvallisuutta.

Schaeuble rebuffs calls for German stimulus

Christian Odendahl
09 September 2014
"Germany has ample financial room to spend more, and a boost in public investment would help the domestic as well as the European economy," said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER.

There are other ways to help Ukraine

08 September 2014
International New York Times
Whether Ukraine is a member of NATO matters less than whether defending it is in NATO’s security interest.

Warum die EZB mit dem "maximal Möglichen" scheitert

Christian Odendahl
05 September 2014
Der Standard
Mehrere europäische Volkswirte teilen etwa die Meinung von Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom beim Centre for European Reform, der die jüngsten Maßnahmen als positive Überraschung sieht.

EZB schickt Euro auf Talfahrt

Christian Odendahl
05 September 2014
Der Standard
Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom beim Londoner CER, hatte lange Zeit aggressivere Maßnahmen wegen der schwachen Konjunktur gefordert.

Letters of the Editor - Nato’s key role as protector

05 September 2014
Evening Standard
"As Nato decides its response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Islamic State atrocities in Iraq and Syria, it should avoid the trap of thinking that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend', and rewarding Putin and Assad for their supposed help", says Ian Bond.

Ian Bond speaks to Monocle 24 Radio

05 September 2014
Monocle Daily
Ian Bond speaks to Andrew Mueller on Monocle 24 Radio (0:06:06).

Russia confident warship deal with France will proceed

04 September 2014
Voice of America
“I’m sure that pressure from other NATO members will have had some influence on the French, but I think that...there was some concern about what they were really doing and why they were supplying ships to Russia in these circumstances,” said Ian Bond.

Plenty of crime but no punishment for Putin

03 September 2014
The Moscow Times
It seems that President Vladimir Putin would like to go down in history as an extraordinary man, who restored Russia to greatness. Unfortunately, his intervention in Ukraine risks making him the Raskolnikov of international relations.

EU's new foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini - soft on Russia?

02 September 2014
The Voice of Russia
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER, said: “She [Mogherini] is going to have to overcome the suspicion that a lot of Central and Eastern Europeans have about her attitude and the attitude of the Italian government to Russia. That is a big problem for her." (From 00:36 and 04:12.)

The Trotskyites of the right are wrecking the Conservative party

Polly Toynbee
02 September 2014
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform says there is no possibility of the other countries agreeing [to an end to EU free movement of labour], and no new treaty would pass in referendums.

Russian rouble hits record low as suffocating sanctions loom

02 September 2014
The Telegraph
Speaking on the EU's economic sanctions on Russia, Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, said “The chances are that we shall have another feeble package of half measures, which will only encourage Putin to press on”.

US and Europe are struggling with response to a bold Russia

02 September 2014
International New York Times
But some analysts said Europe would not go beyond sanctions. “They have to do something because Putin is behaving badly,” said Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform, “but it’s all they can do.”

Who is Tusk and what does he mean for the EU?

01 September 2014
EU Observer
The CER’s Charles Grant said the fact that Tusk, whose country has not yet adopted the euro, is to chair summits of eurozone states, will cause “institutional tension”. “France wants to build up the eurozone summit as a separate institution and Tusk’s appointment might give it the argument he needs."

Analyse: Nu kræver østlandene deres del af magten i Europa

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 August 2014
»Der har lige siden udvidelsen i 2004 været talt om en skillelinje mellem de gamle og de nye medlemslande. Men den økonomiske krise har været med til at ændre på det, fordi Polen har haft vækst, mens mange gamle lande har haft store problemer. Polen har vist sit værd« siger Agata Gostyńska.

Sandhedens øjeblik for Europa

30 August 2014
Ian Bond fra Centre for European Reform peger også på situationen i Ukraine som den mest presserende udfordring for en ny europæisk udenrigschef, men fremhæver også IS’ fremmarch i Irak.